Lithophane Night Lights
What is a Lithophane Night Light?
A Lithophane Night Light is a thin translucent 3D printed image attached to a night light that can only be viewed by light coming through from behind. Our lithophanes are custom designed to fit the brightest and most efficient LED night light.
How we create our Lithophane Night Lights
Step 1
First, we start with any digital picture. We can create lithophanes from landscape or portrait scaled pictures.
Step 2
Then, we upload and add your picture. Then create it into 3d printed lithophane night light attachment.
Step 3
Finally, we attach your 3D printed lithophane to a bright LED night light.Then it comes to life.
Our Product
Our custom 3D printed Lithophane Night Light is a great present for weddings, birthdays, or holidays. This is created with Hatchbox PLA filament that won't melt and is made using a non-toxic plant-based enviornmentally friendly material.
Custom Lithophane Night Light includes:
- 1 custom designed Lithophane Night Light attachment
- 1 Bright and Efficieint LED Night Light